Water supply piping network is quite common in houses and buildings. To effectively keep monitoring the water supply, we face challenge.
The method available in the market are either time-consuming or labor-consuming, we offer a water pipe network monitoring solution, which is suitable for remote monitoring of water supply pipe network by water supply companies.

How Wireless Water Pipe Network Monitoring Solution Works? The water pipe network monitoring solution consists of wireless water pressure sensors, water level sensors, and a Cloud platform. Sensors collect the pressure and water level data that then are transmitted to the cloud platform so that the water supply dispatcher can remotely monitor the pressure and flow of the water supply piping via a mobile phone or a PLC, and can advise the water plants to start and stop the water supply devices, ensure the water supply pressure keep balanced and flow is stable. Meanwhile, if there is water leakage or pipe burst, the staff would know quickly.
The water pipe network monitoring solution supports different networks, including NB-IoT/GPRS/3G/4G/LoRa/LoRaWAN covering all the commons worldwide.