How to Choose Installation Position of Industrial Pressure Sensors
Industrial pressure sensor is actually a kind of pressure sensor which supports Industrial output. It provides high accuracy and gets widely used in various industries. While its installation position is very important as it affects its accuracy.
The Installation Position of Industrial Pressure Sensors
In some occasions, the industrial pressure sensors can be directly installed on the process pipeline without additional support with the condition that the process temperature and ambient temperature meet the conditions of use of the sensor. When it's installed on horizontal and inclined process pipelines, the location of the pressure inlet should follow the following rules.

When measuring gas pressure, it should be installed in the upper half of the process pipeline.
When measuring liquid pressure, the installation place should be within the range of 0°~45° between the lower half of the process pipeline and the horizontal centerline of the process pipeline.
When measuring the steam pressure, install it within the range of 0°~45° between the upper and lower half of the process pipeline and the horizontal centerline of the process pipeline. The installation position should be selected in a pipe section with a stable flow of the process medium.
Install these industrial pressure sensors in a place where is easy to operate and maintain, far away from vibration, humidity, high temperature, strong magnetic field interference.