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Top 5 Sewage Measurement Instruments

Jun 28 , 2024

In the filed of sewage management, accurate measurement and monitoring are crucial for ensuring efficient and effective treatment processes. As a manufacturer of industrial measuring instrument for over 20 years, we list the most commonly used measurement instrumentation for sewage measurement


  • Electromagnetic flow meter(most cost-effective for flow measurement)
  • Open channel flow meter(ideal for channels)
  • Submersible levelsensor(Lowest cost for level measurement)
  • Ultrasonic level sensor(most cost-effective among non-contact level measurement)
  • Radar level sensor(highest accuracy for level measurement)


Note the best instrument depends on the specific application and customer’s demands.


Electromagnetic Flow Meters 


Accuracy and Reliability: Electromagnetic flow meters are widely used in sewage discharge pipelines due to their precise and reliable measurements. They can accurately measure total sewage discharge and flow rates without requiring complex settings after installation.

Cost-Effective: These meters offer a high cost-performance ratio, making them a popular choice in the sewage treatment industry.

Ease of Use: Once installed, they require minimal maintenance and adjustments.



Conductive Media Requirement: Electromagnetic flow meters require the fluid being measured to be conductive, for wastewater that is not conductive or has too low conductivity (such as oil or some organic solutions), the measurement is not possible.



Ensure proper installation to avoid electromagnetic interference. 


Open Channel Flow Meters 


Versatility: Open channel flow meters are ideal for situations where pipelines are not available, or installation costs for piping are prohibitively high.

Direct Measurement: These meters measure the flow rate based on the height of the sewage in a specially designed channel or flume, offering a straightforward conversion to total sewage volume.



Complex Installation: Installation requires construction to build a flume and may involve significant site preparation, making it more complex compared to other meters.



Regular maintenance is needed to ensure the channel remains unobstructed.


Submersible Level Transmitters 


Direct Measurement: These submersible level transmitters measure the liquid level by submerging a sensor probe directly into the sewage. 

Simplicity: Easy to install and operate, providing immediate level readings upon connection to power.

Cost: Submersible level transmitters have low cost, suitable for budget concerned projects.



Corrosion and Maintenance: For corrosive environments, sensors are prone to damage for long submersion, so maintenance is required.



Select appropriate materials for the probe to resist corrosion. Regularly inspect and clean the sensors to prevent buildup and damage.


Ultrasonic Level Meters 


Non-Contact Measurement: Utilizing ultrasonic pulses, these ultrasonic level sensors have no direct contact with the sewage, without clean difficulty.

Versatility: Suitable for measuring various liquids, unaffected by the medium’s properties.

Easy to read: with a local display, it’s easy and fast to access the readings.



Foam and heavy vapors can interfere with the accuracy of ultrasonic signals.



Choose ultrasonic level meters with strong signal penetration capabilities for environments with foam. Ensure proper installation to avoid signal obstructions.


Radar Level Meters


High Penetration: Radar level meters are excellent for environments with heavy foam or vapor, as their signals are less affected by the interference.

Accuracy and Reliability: Provide highly accurate measurements, making them ideal for challenging sewage measurement conditions.



Typically more expensive than other level measurement technologies.



Proper installation to avoid reflections from tank walls and internal structures. Regular calibration and maintenance to ensure consistent performance.


General Considerations for Sewage Measurement

When selecting and using these measurement instruments, consider the following factors to ensure optimal performance and accuracy:


1.Installation Environment:

Choose instruments that are suitable for the specific environmental conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and potential corrosiveness of the sewage.


2.Maintenance Needs:

Regular maintenance and calibration are crucial for ensuring the longevity and accuracy of the instruments.



Ensure the instruments are compatible with existing systems and can integrate seamlessly with monitoring and control systems.


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